Saturday, October 16, 2010


I feel like every winter leopard supposedly goes out of style, and then all of a sudden you see it on everyone and in every single editorial, and it's back "in." I must say that until this year, I wasn't the biggest fan of leopard. It's like wearing red to me, since it's so bold, you need to do it in minimum doses.

Although I basically like everything Carmen Kass is wearing - especially that jacket she is wearing in the first picture - , I love the fact that some of the outfits barely have leopard, but the places they are used adds so much to the look.

pictures via tfs.


  1. eh cookiem bu kiyafetler kimin nasil bulucaz :)) sahiden bazilarini ogrenmek istiyorum
    ayrica gene moda sayfalarina donmene cok sevindim , senin blogunu onlarsiz dusunemiyodum bitanem

  2. Neyi beyendin cookiem soyle ben dergi cikinca bakarim.

  3. 4cu resimdeki pabuc, 5ci resimdeki elbise, 7 deki ceket ! cookiem



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