It is true Alexa Chung has the funds to buy all these dresses and shoes and accessories, but come on, there are more than enough famous people who have horrible styles. Money doesn't equal taste. If it did, we'd all be gushing over Paris Hilton's looks. (If you are a Hilton fan, you might want to read a different blog.) Anyways, my point is, Alexa has never once looked bad in my book.
Alexa Chung'un bu kiyafetleri karsilayacak kadar para kazaniyor olmasi dogru, fakat her parasi olan bu kadar guzel giyiniyor olsaydi, hepimiz Paris Hilton'u takip ediyor olurduk. Alexa Chung'u daha bir kez hoslanmadigim bir kiyafeti giyerken gormedim...

image via manrepeller.
i love alexa's style <3 and your new design...
Thank you xxxx