I've forgotten how much I love San Francisco in (almost) April. The birds chirping right outside my window, smiles on everyone's faces, women (me) wearing sleeveless dresses, and the approach of birthdays of people that mean the world to me; my niece, one of my oldest and closest friends, my oldest brother, my mother, him, and my other brother. Oh, my birthday is coming up too, sunday. My siblings and I used to call April the "crisis month," considering we'd have to get a present for everyone, and fortunately, I'm not a part of it anymore, and unfortunately, I'm not a part of it anymore. I don't have to get presents, but I also don't get to celebrate it with them. The older I get, the more I appreciate time spent with my family.
The weather in San Francisco is being good to everyone. Tomorrow is supposed to be even better than today, so I'm planning on going tanning, then dress shopping for my little get together on saturday night for my Bday.
San Francisco'yu Nisan (nerdeyse) ayinda ne kadar cok sevdigimi unutmusum. Gulumseyen insanlar, kolsuz elbise giyen kadinlar (ben) ve hayatimda en onemli yerleri tutan cogu insanin dogumgunleri; yigenim, en yakin ve eski arkadaslarimdan biri, buyuk abim, annem, o, ve obur abim. Bir de tabi benim dogumgunum var, pazar gunu. Abilerim ve ben nisan ayina ekonomik kriz ayi ismini taktik birkac sene once o kadar kisiye hediye almamiz gerektigi icin. Sansima bu sefer oyle bir problemim yok, ama ayni zamanda maalesef ki oyle bir problemim yok. O stresi yasamamak ne kadar guzel olsa da onlardan bu ozel gunlerinde uzak olmak da beni o kadar uzuyor. Buyudukce ailemle gecirdigim vaktin degerini anliyorum...
San Francisco'da sahane bir hava yasiyoruz, ve yarin bu gunden bile iyi olmasini bekliyorlarmis. Ben de guneslenmeyi, sonra da cumartesi gunki ufak dogumgunu partim icin kiyafet almayi planliyorum.
Wearing a Cheap Monday Shirt, Skirt from the Castro, Herve Leger Shoes, Miu Miu Purse.
Pictures by WD.