Sunday, October 2, 2011


In one of my classes, we had to write about the cycle of life, (not to be confused with The Circle of Life a la Lion King, which is what I thought, and got really excited to write about) from our personal experiences. We also had to come up with a changing point in our individual cycles, (there are four in everyone's life) and I'm still trying to figure mine out. Parent's divorce? Re-marriage? New siblings? Argument in 8th grade with my best friend who I'm still not talking to? Getting my heart broken for the first time? The musicals during high school? Graduation? Moving to San Francisco? I don't even know how I turned out normal, somewhat...
Derslerimden bir tanesi icin hayat dongusuyle ilgili kendi tecrubelerimize dayali bir yazi yazmamiz gerekiyor. Bir de her dongu icin (4 dongu var) onemli bir degisim noktasi tespitlememiz gerekiyor, ve ben hala secemedim o ani. Annemle babamin bosanmasi? Annemin tekrardan evlenmesi? Aileme katilan yeni insanlar? 8. sinifta en yakin arkadasimla kavga etmem ve hala konusmuyor olmamiz? Ilk ayriligim? Okulda yaptigimiz muzikaller? Mezuniyet? San Francisco'ya tasinmam? Nasil normal bir insan oldum hala bilmiyorum...

Wearing an Open Ceremony Dress, Academia Vest, Herve Leger Heels.

1 comment:

  1. belki de güçlü bir karakterin olduğu için bunların hepsini halledip hayatına böyle güzel devam ediyorsundur :)



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