Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I suck at packing. And not just because I can't fit four dresses, a pair of pants, a few tops, and four pairs of heels into a huge luggage, but because I don't plan what I'm going to wear, never have. I bought my graduation dress three days before the event. Therefore when I have to pack for New York, even if it's just for four days, I pack for eight so I can somewhat still get to decide what to wear when I'm there...
Bavul yapmakta benden kotusu yok. Dort elbise dort ayakkabi, bir pantolon ve bir-iki ustu kocaman bir bavula sigdiramadigim icin degil, ne giyecegime onceden karar vermedigimden. Mezuniyet elbisemi bile uc gun kala almistim... Bu yuzden su an New York icin bavul yaparken dort gunluk degil sekiz gunluk kiyafet aliyorum ki orda secme sansim olsun...

Wearing a Burberry Jacket, Opening Ceremony Dress, Barbara Bui Heels, Urban Outfitters Belts.

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  1. Etegin cok guzel:)

  2. Ben de oyleyim, asla bi yere giderken baskalari gibi gunluk plan yapamam. moduma gore valize koyarim ve gittiğim yerde secerim ne giyeceksem :)

    Tam California style olmussun kazak+etekle, cok guzel :)

  3. Cok sirin olmus :) I like it!
    OFFF bizim su Hollandada da bir YAZ yuzu gorsekte tiriltiril etek giyinsek senin gibi diyorum :)))

  4. White Perla ~ Elbise o aslinda, tesekkurler :)

    Ciiden ~ :) Tesekkurler

    Ezz ~ Tesekkur ederim!



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