I like wearing nail polish. I think women look more professional when they have nicely kept hands, and I think wearing nail polish is almost the easiest way out, and every women should do it - that is, unless you have my mother's hands. However, it is true that after a few days, when the nail polish starts coming off, it looks worse than not wearing it at all. So what I do, is I keep it on for about five days, and take it off before it starts to come off itself.
Bence kadinlarda bakimli elin en basit yolu oje surdurmek. Annemin elleri disinda kimsenin elini gorup ojesiz halini beyendigimi hatirlamiyorum, o yuzden ben de bol bol oje kullanmaya calisiyorum...
Nude - Karen Walker Spring

Nicholas K Spring

Peach - Behnhaz Sarafpour Spring

Purple - Nicholas K Spring

Metallic - Phillip Lim Spring

images via Refinery29.
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