Sunday, January 9, 2011


Today is the first day I'm going to try this new thing, where I write both in English, and Turkish. The idea of people not checking my blog out because of the language barrier is a shame - which doesn't mean that I will write it in all different languages, considering the only other language I can speak (very badly) is French - so I'm trying this out. If it doesn't work out, I'll stop.

Today, when I was at the gym, I had to take a break to watch the Victoria's Secret show. There was a bold old man, a teenager with a scruff that looks more like dirt on his face than anything else, a fit 40 something man, and one of the hugely built trainers, and me, staring at the TV, trying to stop ourselves from smiling. You can't imagine the push I got off of watching the out of this world women strut their things on the catwalk. Why share this, you ask? I don't know, I guess you can take it as a suggestion for getting in shape for the summer...


Bugun ilk defa bloguma hem Ingilizce, hem Turkce yazmayi deneyecegim. Insanlarin bloguma dil fakliligindan dolayi bakmiyor olmasi uzucu - bu demek degildir ki her dilde yazmayi dusunuyorum, zaten tek farkli bildigim dil Fransica, onu da pek iyi bilmiyorum - bu yuzden boyle bir cozum getirdim kendime. Eger hosuma gitmezse birakirim.

Bugun spora gittigimde Victoria's Secret showunu izlemek icin sporuma ara vermek zorunda kaldim. Benle birlikte yasli bir kel adam, sakallari pis sakaldan cok kire benzeyen bir genc cocuk, 40 yaslarinda iyi yapili bir adam, ve ordaki ogretmenlerin en kaslilarindan biri vardi, ve hepimiz izlerken gulumsememek icin kendimizi zor tutuyorduk. Bu dunya uzeri kadinlarin yuruyusunu izlerkenki aldigim gazi size anlatamam! Bunu niye mi sizle paylasiyorum? Bilmem, belki vucudunuzu yaza kadar gelistirmek icin sizin de gaza ihtiyaciniz vardir...

1 comment:

  1. bu iyi bi fikir olabilir.. bi dene bakalim =)
    ama bazen insanin cani istemiyo tembelligin tutuyo
    bunu da yasiyabilirsin =P



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