Yesterday was the first time I felt like I was back. One minute you're in Frisco, the next you're in Berkley, one minute you're thinking of fitting in with businessmen, the next you're surrounded by students. No wonder why I love Frisco, it's never dull.
We went to Berkley to go to a fabric store, and take advantage of the weather to walk around. We also had amazing food (hence the takeaway box), and I discovered a Turkish restaurant - FINALLY. AND they make one of my favorite Turkish food, under the name of "Turkish burritos." They also had a Turkish show playing on TV, so I must say that I kind of felt at home.
Last but not least, here is how I know I forgot what it was to live in San Francisco; I wore a jacket over my button-up shirt, and threw on a scarf, just for fashion purposes, and thought I'd be fine. Self note; key word for where you live for most of the year: layers. While in Frisco, from my door to the BART station, I cursed myself for not having enough layers on. Once in Berkley, I felt warm, somewhat.
Buraya geldigimden beri ilk kez dun kendimi donmus gibi hissettim, cunku San Francisco'nun en guzel yanini yasadim; bir saniye sehrin bir yerinde is adamlariyla ayni ortamdayken, yarim saat icerisinde ogrenci bolgesine gecebiliyorsunuz. Fakat havanin ne kadar dengesiz oldugunu unutmusum. Salimi kiyafetime renk katsin diye almisken, salsiz ciksaydim nasil hastalanmis olurdum tahmin bile etmek istemiyorum.
Havanin guzelligini kacirmadan cok guzel bir gun gecirdim Berkley tarafinda, ve sonunda bir Turk restorani buldum, hem de en cokozledigim yemeklerden birini yapiyordu sahibi; doner! (annemin ici rahatlamistir bunu okuduktan sonra, yoksa her Istanbul'a dondugumde doner diye tutturuyorum.)

cizmelerin, salin, kolyen... hepsi cok güzel !!!