Sunday, February 5, 2012


I can already hear some of your comments, (including my mom) talking about how I'm not wearing any socks, and you're right. When my friends told me that it felt like summer in New York, I got so excited and only packed five dresses, and one pair of pants. Unfortunately, with my arrival, the warm weather disappeared. So the first thing I did when I arrived was to go and buy some sweaters. When I left the hotel Friday morning, it took me about 12 seconds to realize that I couldn't go out wearing a dress. As for this picture, I only took my scarf and jacket off for two minutes...
Simdiden yorumlarinizi tahmin ediyorum ayagimda corap olmamasindan dolayi, haklisiniz da. Arkadaslarim New York'un cok sicak oldugunu soyleyince ben de yanimda tam olarak bes tane elbise, bir tane de pantalon aldim. Malesef benim New York'a gelisimle sicak havanin gitmesi bir oldu. O yuzden gittigim an kazak alis verisine ciktim. Bu resim icin de ceketimi ve salimi cikarttim, yoksa vallahi daha kalindi uzerim :)

Wearing an Opening Ceremony Dress, and Lanvin Boots.

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  1. haha :) corapsızlık konusunda sonuna kadar arkandayım :)

  2. aahaha sen ve dantel elbisen çook tatlısınız!
    sevgiler : )

  3. love the dress!!! Opening Ceremony zaten ne yapsa begeniyorum, quite a sucker:) haha...

    bence corapsizlik artik seninle ozdeslesen bisey oldu...gorsem sasircam yanii:))


  4. Berna B. ~ :)

    Beyaz Buyu ~ Cok tesekkurler!

    Neslie ~ Dogru :)



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