Thursday, April 11, 2013


A recent conversation I had with an almost stranger gave me a little more than a nudge, and brought me back up to my heel-tired feet. I’ve been doing this blog for a while now, and have forgotten my initial purpose of starting it: purposelessness. I used to ramble on and on about shit that was going on in my life – always trying to maintain anonymous, of course – and it soothed me for whatever reason. Then I started receiving comments about posting this and that, (clothes and clothes) and when I look at my blog now, something that should be fairly personal, it reflects everything but my character.

So… will there be a revolutionary content difference? I think not. Will I still post outfit pictures that my dad frequently questions as “What the hell is this?” Yes. But maybe this’ll be a self-note to post, because it’s fun. Or because I want to. Or maybe nothing will change. Peace in the Middle East. (Wish I could pull that off.) 

follow me on blogspot, instagram, bloglovin', or twitter. 


  1. I love that you posted this. I was starting to think you were loosing that je ne sais quoi, the spark. That was the reason I started following you, you were having fun, and sharing :)



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